Sounds of Caracas (2021) is an audio work that is part of the Alternate Reality series for Trinity Square Video’s themed commission Archival Affections, through which I explore the use of memory as a means of remapping and filling digital voids in information in relation to her home city of Caracas, Venezuela. The audio work appropriates sounds from videos of the natural life from distinct regional-specific sounds I grew up around such as the calls of birds called “guacamayas” and “guacharacas”, the nighttime cry of small frogs, and the daytime heat-driven cicadas, among other distinct sounds that are naturally part of the sonic landscape. I bring these together in a soundscape with field recorded sounds of the Corso Italia neighbourhood in Toronto which is home to many Latin American immigrants, in this way creating a hybridized "reality" of the Venezuelan sonic landscape. The audio work is accompanied by gifs made of appropriated images of natural life.